Soul Alignment Coach & Energetic Healer – For Physical Humans & Animals

Is your day the way you want it to be?
Do you always have that nagging feeling, that agitation in your mind?
Is there something or a feeling in your life you’re not happy about? Does this feeling repeat on a daily basis?
How does this repeating pattern show up for you? Is it waking up in the night and immediately thoughts rush through your mind?
Is it a feeling of dread?
Do you feel stuck?
Do you wonder why things don’t change?
Do you want to know how they can change!
So many questions here but if you said yes to one, any or all of them, Allow me to help you with this and give you the clarity you want and need and also help this occur for you.
I can help you take out those barriers, those barriers from the past that stand in your way.
You can have a clear path without those barriers showing up!
You don’t need to allow barriers. You can be who and what you want to be. It’s your life to live, so live it!
If you’d like help in letting go and allowing the change you Desire, you can book a session with me below, it could take just one session for this Wondrous Change for you to Occur.
Make it the time you take this step for you and for a positive change, because you didn’t come here to be held back or miserable. You came here to enjoy your life!

121 Awakening and Believe
Releasing Process Support and Programmes

Ranging from a single session right through to 6 months continued support. My 121 sessions can lead you right through your Awakening journey, from developing your relationship with your Higher Self to enabling some of your energetic capabilities, or simply help guide you past a ‘bump in the road’ along the way. You are welcome to book a free call with me to find out more.
My current specialist programmes are also available here.

I am a 5th Dimension Earth Certified Healer.

My passion is to help others live the life they came here to live, not be stifled by emotional or physical illness.
Through Leveraging the 5th Dimension Earth Energetic Megadome, the most Powerful and Potent Energetic Holding there is, my Capabilities are amplified, also enabling me to communicate with and influence your cells. I will get to the root cause and enact a specific healing design for you.
I am also able to combine my Capabilities as a Believe Accredited Practitioner with my work as a 5th Dimension Earth Certified Healer where appropriate, to provide truly potent and effective healing. To bring you all you need and to all that you are!
Whatever it is that are looking for help with, when you are ready (choose now!) I’m here to help you heal.

I would love to help you understand your pet and their needs more deeply and in turn help your pets understand you, their human spiritual companion.

Animals are trying to communicate with us every day; trying to share their joy and excitement with us. Trying to give us comfort and love. And also trying to let us know when they don’t feel well or when something upsets or distresses them emotionally….and ultimately trying to tell us how we could help.

There is so much more for us, as Physical Humans to Understand around animals and Animal. I can’t wait to share more with you soon!

If you would Truly Love a closer and more meaningful connection with your Spiritual Companion then this Opportunity is here for you. This very Special time to Learn how to Connect with, Communicate with and Live Life with your Spiritual Companion will change so much for you and for them, for the better. This one to one will enable the most Fulfilling relationship with your Precious Spiritual Companion. Over our 8 weeks together we will have 2 weekly sessions. One hour long session to Receive individual and Bespoke Guidance for you and your Spiritual Companion along with the ‘tasks’ for that week. Something Beautiful for you to work on together. The second session will be to Receive feedback on what you have Achieved that week and also your Opportunity to Ask questions for further Guidance.

There are so many of you Wanting greater Connection with your Precious animal Spiritual Companions.
Spiritual Companion is the correct term for your ‘pets’. They are so much more than simply that and Bring so much more to you and this planet!
So, We Created a Workshop to Help you all with this!
This half day orkshop on Saturday 5th November will be four hours of Love, fun and Learning. We will introduce you to so much that Matters to you and your animal Spiritual Companion, Bring you the Understanding you Want, Create ongoing closeness for you both
and Have so much fun while we’re doing it!
There’ll be practice’s and tasks to try and to Experience and you can Ask Questions as well!

This developing of the Spiritual Companion relationship and the reciprocity between you is so Important and Precious so if you’re Wanting to explore this Possibility with your Spiritual Companion Come Join Us!

Saturday 5th November 11am to 3pm
Feel the Love!

Over these five days together I will teach you in simple ways how to connect with your beloved spiritual companion
I will teach you how connection occurs, how to achieve it and how to build on it.
I will bring you practices to do with them that you can revisit any time you wish to in the future and also help you understand what is brought to you in this very special connection
There will be opportunities to ask questions as well. As always, others’ questions will by perfect design help you in your understanding also. This five days will open up and propel forward your relationship with your spiritual companion giving you the very best platform to build from, simply beautiful!