5 days of Beautiful Focus,

Connection and Progress

19th to 23rd September 

Five day Focus 

Over these five days together I will teach you in simple ways how to connect with your beloved spiritual companion
I will teach you how connection occurs, how to achieve it and how to build on it.
I will bring you practices to do with them that you can revisit any time you wish to in the future and also help you understand what is brought to you in this very special connection
There will be opportunities to ask questions as well. As always, others’ questions will by perfect design help you in your understanding also. This five days will open up and propel forward your relationship with your spiritual companion giving you the very best platform to build from, simply beautiful!

For the time we are working together you will be able to leverage my Evolved Capabilities, which means you cannot mistranslate or infiltrate what you Receive.

This is a Precious Opptortunity to really get to know your Spiritual Companion.

This be Held in a Private Facebook Group with each Daily Focus 

at 10.30am each day. 

Do not worry if you cannot make that time live, as you can watch and ask questions on Replay when you Choose. The Energy will also be Held for you.

The love animals have to share is Immense, we just have to Allow ourselves to See it.

Is this for you?

If you want to uplevel your relationship with your Spiritual Companions

then yes!

If you want 5 days of fun, Love, Connection and Understanding, again yes!

This program is for those that are Awakened or yet to Awaken.

(Please see upcoming details for my program for those living in

EvolvE YOU Energy).