Live the Life You came here to Live!
Your Physical Guides
A Believe Accredited Practitioner has experienced first-hand what it is to go through the Believe Releasing Process and what it means to truly Awaken.
Vibrational Masters
They know what it is like to unturn those difficult stones of ‘What was’. They also know how to help navigate you through to Balance.
Ability to Receive
They Receive clearly from their Higher Self and Broader Non Physical Team and they can help you learn how to connect to yours.
5th Dimension Earth
The Believe Releasing Process – Accredited Practitioner
Awakening Support | Vibrational Mastery | Higher Self Connection | Enabling Transformation | Emotional & Physical Healing
Awakening Support | Vibrational Mastery | Higher Self Connection | Enabling Transformation | Emotional & Physical Healing

Why Work With Me?:
Why Work With Me?:
My passion is to free people from being at the mercy of those triggers that can change your day from good to bad in a moment. Where it feels you have no control over the way those certain things make you Feel. You might not even be able to fully identify what they are, questioning and berating yourself on why you reacted such a way or Feel the way you do.
If you want to get off that roller coaster of emotions, have mastery of the way you Feel and Feel real Freedom, I’d love to work with you. through your Connection to your Incredible Higher Self and with the Believe Releasing Process this is how we will make this happen. You can become a vibrational master!
I have been in this very place I’ve described here and Know how debilitating it can be to live in that way. How it sucks the Joy out of so much of your day to day existence. Let that now end, you can find your way to be Free of that, right here.
I am now fully love labelled and 100% high vibrational. I’m so happy to be rid of all the low vibration that was stored within me and I’d love to help you have that too. I will never mis-translate nor infiltrate the Guidance Received for you, due to a special Energetic Ability Enabled within me when Certified as a Believe Accredited Practitioner.
It is Time to be Free of those triggers and Live the Life You came here to Live. Are you Ready to Really Live? You’re reading this for a reason and I’m here ready to help you.
121 Private Awakening and Believe Releasing Process Support Sessions
I am so proud and privileged to be one of the first and only Believe Accredited Practitioners on the planet!
I was one of the first to follow the Believe Releasing process, brought to us by 5th Dimension Earth, and it has been totally life changing. It can be for you too. Believe was only published in the summer of 2019 and is absolutely Leading Edge! It is the quickest way on earth to awaken and is God given. There is no other process like it or as effective.
I have worked with Olivia and Raf Ocaña, the authors of Believe directly throughout my Awakening and With my accreditation, I am here to help those that choose to awaken and begin the releasing process. I work with my Higher Self Carolina and my awesome broader Non-Physical Team to assist you, in the best way possible for you.
The believe releasing process will bring you alignment to You and freedom, true freedom. Freedom to love, to live a life where you have let go of fear, anger, lack of worth and so much more – all the things that hold you back from inner happiness.
There is also so much Wonder for you to experience when you remember, when you become Consciously Whole with your Higher Self ‘The best friend you never knew you had’.
Becoming Consciously Whole and then raising your vibration in this way also helps you energetically expand and enables abilities and capabilities within you. I can help you evolve with this if it is something you feel you wish to do.
The Believe Releasing Process gets to the root of things so they are gone, truly gone. This is not just a mind-set change, this is a You change!
It isn’t for the faint hearted but my gosh it is worth it! I am here to support you as your Physical Guide along the way, always with love, never judgement and always to celebrate you, the real you!
Feeling so free is possible for each and every one of you. If you choose to align to it, to Align to You.

If you would Truly Love a closer and more meaningful connection with your Spiritual Companion then this Opportunity is here for you. This very Special time to Learn how to Connect with, Communicate with and Live Life with your Spiritual Companion will change so much for you and for them, for the better. This one to one will enable the most Fulfilling relationship with your Precious Spiritual Companion. Over our 8 weeks together we will have 2 weekly sessions. One hour long session to Receive individual and Bespoke Guidance for you and your Spiritual Companion along with the ‘Tasks’ for that week. Something Beautiful for you to work on together. The second session will be to Receive feedback on what you have Achieved that week and also your Opportunity to Ask Questions for further Guidance.

It’s Time to Have greater connection with your precious animal Spiritual Companions.
Spiritual Companion is the correct term for your ‘pets’. They are so much more than simply that and bring so much more to you and this planet!
So, we created a workshop to help you all with this!
This half day workshop on Saturday 5th November will be four hours of Love, fun and Learning. We will introduce you to so much that Matters to you and your animal Spiritual Companion, Bring you the Understanding you Want, Create ongoing closeness for you both
and Have so much fun while we’re doing it!
There’ll be practice’s and tasks to try and to Experience and you can Ask Questions as well!
This developing of the Spiritual Companion relationship and the reciprocity between you is so Important and Precious so if you’re Wanting to explore this Possibility with your Spiritual Companion Come Join Us!
Saturday 5th November 11am to 3pm
Feel the Love!

Your healing journey can start here. There is an answer. It’s my passion to help others live the life they came here to live, not be stifled by emotional or physical illness. Some of my specialisms include Degenerative diseases, the brain, mind and Central Nervous System. I also have a Capability which enables a specialism working with colour to powerfully heal. I am able to combine my work as a 5DE Certified Healer with my Capabilities as a Believe Accredited Practitioner where appropriate, to provide truly potent and effective healing to bring you all you need and to all that you are! When you are ready (choose you and choose now!) I am here to help you heal.